Geoenvironmental Consultants Ltd
Specialist Contaminated Land Services
On sites where the Phase I Desk Study and / or Phase II Site Investigation have identified a potential contaminated land risk (i.e. from soil or water contamination), further stages of investigation, assessment and / or mitigation may be required. G&J aim to ensure that all significant contaminated land risks are identified and addressed, to eliminate potential liabilities while avoiding unnecessary and costly remediation works.
G&J Offer the Following Contaminated Land Services:
Contaminated Land Risk Assessment – Where Generic Quantitative Risk Assessments (GQRA) (usually included as part of the Phase II Site Investigation report), identify a potential risk, site-specific Detailed Quantitative Risk Assessments (DQRA) can be carried out to more accurately quantify risks and ensure an appropriate response.
Gas Monitoring and Assessment – On sites where the Phase I or Phase II investigation has identified a potential source of ground gases (such as buried waste, landfill materials and organic matter), a suitable programme of monitoring can be designed to form the basis of an assessment to determine whether any mitigation measures are required.
Water Monitoring – The collection of samples of groundwater and / or surface water over a period of time can help detect trends to determine the origin of pollutants, the effectiveness of remedial works or the impact of natural attenuation processes.
Remediation Strategies, Supervision and Verification – Remediation measures can range from the placement of a simple cover of layer of clean soil to reduce exposure to low to moderately contaminated soils, to a range of innovative in-situ and ex-situ techniques designed to reduce contaminant concentrations and ensure a site is suitable for the intended use. Each remedial scheme is site-specific, and we can design solutions for any site, be it large or small, straightforward or more complex. During remediation we can provide technical oversight and supervision, together with independent verification of the works on completion.
Waste Management and Classification – The management of excavated soils can have significant implications for a project budget, given the high cost of off-site disposal. We can advise on the options for re-use of soils on a development site in accordance with waste management legislation, off-site treatment or disposal, and the accurate classification of soils as last resort for those that must be sent to landfill.