Geoenvironmental Consultants Ltd
Planning and Regulator Approval
A close working relationship is essential to address land contamination and / or geotechnical development issues to the satisfaction of regulators and warranty providers. G&J aim to engage productively with such organisations including Local Authorities, the Environment Agency and the NHBC at an early stage.
The planning regime is the primary mechanism through which land contamination is addressed in the UK. Planning conditions are applied to the majority of applications for new build or change of use developments on sites where there is any possibility of contamination being present.
Warranty providers such as the NHBC and Local Authority Building Control will expect sufficient information to be supplied to demonstrate that the ground conditions are geotechnically suitable and that any earthworks or ground improvement has been undertaken to the appropriate standard.
G&J have broad experience of engaging with regulators and warranty providers, agreeing solutions and providing the necessary documentation to allow planning conditions to be discharged and the development ‘signed-off’ by warranty providers.